
Agenda 21 March 2024

Agendas Uploaded on March 19, 2024

PUBLIC FORUM:  A maximum of 30 minutes is allocated for members of the public to speak on any community matter.  Questions to be posed to the Council should be submitted to the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.

Email:                 Tel: 07743 916196

 Members of the Public can join the meeting by Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 376 573 204 827                           Passcode: rqcgd6

This meeting will be recorded and may be published on the Council’s website.


  1. WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.
  2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence, submitted to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
  4. MINUTES To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 15 February 2024. 2024-02-15_DRAFT MINUTES
  5. CLERK’S REPORT – The Clerk to provide information of outcome of decisions and activities since the last meeting. 2024-03-21_ITEM05_CLERKS REPORT
  6. NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – To discuss the progress of community facilities in the area.  Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) has been invited to the meeting to provide an update and progress report on: 2024-03-21_ITEM06_NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES
  • Allotment Site  
  • Community Meeting Place
  • Temporary Shop
  • New Play Area
  1. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE – To discuss maintenance issues in the area and to provide any update on landscaping works on verges located on Milton Keynes City Council adopted highway.
  2. DECISIONS MADE UNDER THE COUNCIL’S ADOPTED SCHEME OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY – To accept the decisions made between this meeting and the previous meeting.
  3. INSTALLATION OF TODDLER PLAY EQUIPMENT AT WHITEHOUSE PARK – To consider the recommendations of the Working Group in respect of the installation of toddler-aged play equipment at Whitehouse Park following the news of a successful Milton Keynes City Council’s Infrastructure Fund (CIF) application for £15,000 match funding. 2024-03-21_ITEM09_ADDITIONAL TODDLER PLAY EQUIPMENT – WHITEHOUSE PARK
  5. CITIZEN’S ADVICE BUREAU OUTREACH – The Council to consider providing a Citizen’s Advice Bureau Outreach Service for Whitehouse residents, potentially in partnership with Fairfields Parish Council. 2024-03-21_ITEM11_CAB OUTREACH SERVICE 2024-03-21_ITEM11_CAB OUTREACH SERVICE_ANNEX A 2024-03-21_ITEM11_CAB OUTREACH SERVICE_ANNEX B
  6. QUOTES FOR SMALL MAINTENANCE WORKS – To receive details of quotes for the following works:  2024-03-21_ITEM12_QUOTES FOR SMALL MAINTENANCE WORKS
  • Replacement of Noticeboard Doors – To correct the damage to doors on two of the Council’s noticeboards at Randall Avenue and Whitehouse Medical Centre Car Park.
  • Noticeboard Removal and Relocation – To receive a quote for the removal of the noticeboard at Whitehouse Medical Centre Car Park to the new play area.
  • Removal and Re-Installation of Speed Indicator Devices – To receive a quote for the removal and re-installation of Speed Indicator Devices following the installation of longer poles to accommodate solar panels.
  1. STREET NAMES IN WHITEHOUSE – The streets in Whitehouse are named after sheep and cattle and with only half of the area developed, some of the street names are becoming ever more difficult to spell and pronounce.  Milton Keynes City Council has invited the Council to suggest themes for future street names.
  2. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – To set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting.
  3. RELOCATION OF DOG BIN – In consultation with the Parks Trust, to consider the relocation of the dog bin at the open space at Rambouillet Drive, once the dog bin has been transferred over to the Council.
  4. FINANCE 2023/2024
  1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council is asked to consider making comment to Milton Keynes City Council on the planning applications below:
  • Application 24/00323/HOU – 23 Madura Gardens, MK8 1AP – Installation of an air source heat pump.
  • Application 24/00352/DISCON – Parcel W Kand Off Watling Street (V4) WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1-10.3) – Approval of details required by Condition 8 (LEMP) of permission Ref: 22/02405/REM.
  • Application 24/00412/HOU – 2 Whitebred Chase, MK8 1AX – Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and associated internal and external works.
  1. BOROUGH-WIDE STREET TRADING LICENCES – In accordance with Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 10982, the Council is asked to consider making comment to Milton Keynes City Council on the Borough-Wide Street Trading Licence applications below:
  • Applicant: Gucci Ices                  Type of Licence:                     New     Details:                                  1 Ice Cream Van     Proposed Trading Hours:       Monday to Sunday: 15:00 to 18:00
  • Applicant: Pecorella Whip    Type of Licence:                     Renewal       Details:                                  1 Ice Cream Van (FJ72 WHP)    Proposed Trading Hours:       Monday to Sunday: 15:00 to 21:00
  1. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC – In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Members) Act 1960, the Council to resolve to exclude the press and public for Agenda Item 20 (Dog Waste Bin Contract) and Item 21 (Printing and Distribution Agreement) due to the confidential nature of the items to be transacted.  Both items contain information of a contractual nature.
  2. DOG WASTE BIN EMPTYING CONTRACT – The Council to receive details of quotes received for the dog waste bin emptying contract.
  3. PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION – To receive quotes for the printing and distribution of community engagement leaflets and newsletters for 2024/2025.