APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To accept apologies for absence that have been submitted to the Clerk, prior to the start of the meeting.
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting and an Ordinary meeting of the Council, both held on 18 May 2023.
CO-OPTION TO COUNCIL VACANCIES – The Council to receive verbal recommendations from the interview panel in respect of applications for two vacant Council seats.
NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – Sarah Bayliss and Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) will be present to provide an update on the new Community Centre, the Allotment Site and the progress made about the provision of a temporary shop.
MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE – QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS TO L & Q ESTATES – L&Q Estates has been invited to the meeting to provide an update on maintenance issues in the Whitehouse area.
ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN (AGAR): ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2022/2023 – The Council to complete the Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023, the approved statement to be submitted to the External Auditor as part of the Annual Return 2022/2023 2023-06-15_ITEM09_ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2022-2023
CONFIRMATION OF THE DATES OF THE PERIOD FOR THE EXERCISE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS – The Council to set the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights to access and inspect the Council’s accounts. The period must be 30 working days (Monday to Friday) and must include the first 10 working days of July 2023. Dates recommended: Monday 19 June 2023 to Friday 28 July (inclusive).
NOMINATED CHARITY 2023/2024 – The Chair to nominate her charity for 2023/2024.
SUMMER FAMILY FUN DAY – UPDATE – To establish Councillor and resident membership of the Summer Family Fun Day Working Group and receive an update on the project plan – To Follow.
INSURANCE 2023/2024 – The Council to consider quotes for insurance to cover at least £10m Public Liability, £10m Employer’s Liability and £250K Fidelity Guarantee. 2023-06-15_ITEM16_INSURANCE QUOTES
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2024/2025 – To discuss potential projects in 2024/2025 that could benefit from match funding from Milton Keynes City Council.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS (BALC) CONFERENCE – The Council may nominate up to 2 delegates to attend the BALC Conference on 17 October 2023. 2023-06-15_ITEM19_BALC CONFERENCE 17 OCTOBER 2023
REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES – The Council to appoint representatives to the MKALC (MK Association of Local Councils) and East West Rail Local Stakeholders Group and to appoint an MKCC Eco Champion.
FINANCE 2023/2024 – Authorisation of Payments (Report To Follow). Council Budget Report 2023/2024 (Report To Follow) and Opening two new Bank Accounts at Metro Bank
Planning Application 23/01103/HOU – 2 Border Close, MK8 1FX – Conversion of the garage into annexe / gym, including new door and window and associated alterations.
Planning Application 23/01143/DISCON – WEA Area 10.1 – 10.3 Watling Street, H3 to H4 – Approval of details required by Condition 32 (CEMP) of permission ref: 05/00291/MKPCO.
Planning Application 23/01141/DISCON – Land off Watling Street (V4) WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1–10.3) – Approval of details required by Condition 22 (Ground Assessment) of permission ref: 05/00291/MKPCO.
Planning Application 23/01170/ADV – Calverton Lane Primary School, Land South of Calverton Lane and West of Watling Street, WEA – Advertisement consent for the proposed external signage including, free-standing and building mounted relating to identity and orientation of new primary school.
Planning Application 21/01053/NMA – Parcel 10.1 H Dexter Drive – Non-material amendments to permission ref: 17/03408/REM seeking to amend the cycle store location at points 17-22 relating to the Reserved Matters application for 64 residential dwellings including garages, roads, sewers and all ancillary works.
Planning Application 21/01294/REMM – Parcel 10.1 J, K and L Watling Street H3 to H4 – Variation of Condition 1 (Approved plans – seeking amendment to the position of an apartment block 1.5m north) of permission ref: 21/00318/REM relating to the application for the approval of the reserves matters of landscape, layout, appearance, scale and access pursuant to outline planning permission ref: 05/00291/MKPCO.