
Annual Council Agenda – 30 May 2024

Agendas Uploaded on May 25, 2024

Members of the Public can join the meeting by Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 388 522 517 264                           Passcode: U7D57h


1.  OUTGOING CHAIR’S WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting.


3. ELECTION OF A CHAIR FOR 2024/2025 – The elected Chair to sign the declaration of office.

4. APPOINTMENT OF A VICE-CHAIR FOR 2024/2025 – The Vice-Chair to sign the declaration of office.

  1. THE COUNCIL STRUCTURE 2024/2025 – To agree the structure of the Council for 2023/2024.
  2. APPOINTMENTS TO STANDING COMMITTEES 2023/2024- To appoint membership of the Council’s one Standing Committee for 2024/2025 (HR Committee) in accordance with its agreed constitution and Terms of Reference.
  3. APPOINTMENT TO WORKING GROUPS – To establish Working Groups for 2024/2025. Recommended Groups to include: Community Meeting Place Working Group: Allotments Working Group; IT Working Group: Working Groups for Events in 2024/2025.  To agree or re-confirm membership of the Council’s Working Groups for 2024/2025.  With reference to Minutes C185 from the Minutes of 18 January 2024, it was the intention to re-appoint the same membership for event working groups, as that agree for 2023/2024, on the proviso that the Council’s constituted membership remained unchanged:
Event Working Group Membership
Summer Family Fun Day Councillors Eileen Card and Jekaterina Kartasova and the Clerk.
Diwali Councillors Varma Kanumuri and Godwin Michael and the Clerk
Christmas Fayre Councillors Julian Thomas, Jekaterina Kartasova, plus one other Councillor
Chinese New Year The Clerk, plus two Councillors


  1. APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES 2024/2025 – To agree Whitehouse Community Council representatives to outside bodies:  Parishes Forum – Up to 2 representatives;  MKALC (Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils) – 1 representative;  East West Rail Local Stakeholders Group – Up to 2 representatives; Public Art Steering Group – Up to 2 representatives
  2. DRAFT STANDING ORDERS 2024/2025 – To adopt the Whitehouse Community Council Standing Orders for 2024/2025, including the Council’s Scheme of Delegated Authority. – 2024-05-30_DRAFT STANDING ORDERS 2024-2025
  3. DRAFT FINANCIAL REGULATIONS 2024/2025 –  To agree to defer the adoption of the Council’s Financial Regulations to allow time to consider the changes in legislation and the National Association of Local Council’s recommendations to model financial regulations.
  4. SUBSCRIPTIONS 2024/2025

        The Council to agree to pay subscriptions to:

  • BALC (Buckinghamshire Association of Local Councils) (includes a subscription to NALC (National Association of Local Councils).
  • SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) on the Clerk’s behalf
  • Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
  • MK Play Association
  1. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 2024/2025 – To agree and publish the Council’s Schedule of Ordinary meetings for 2023/2024 as:
Thurs 30 May 24 Thurs 20 June 24 Thurs 18 July 24 Thurs 15 Aug 24
Thurs 19 Sept 24 Thurs 17 Oct 24 Thurs 21 Nov 24 Thurs 13 Dec 24
Thurs 16 Jan 25 Thurs 20 Feb 25 Thurs 20 Mar 25 Thurs 17 April 25