1.WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.
2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence that have been submitted to the Clerk, prior to the start of the meeting.
3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
4. MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 15 June 2023.
5. CO-OPTION TO COUNCIL VACANCIES – The Council to receive details of candidates for the two vacant Council seats and to hear the recommendations from the Co-Option Interview Panel. Successful candidates, If present, to sign their Declaration of Office to accept the office of Councillor to serve until May 2027 and agree to abide by the Council’s adopted Code of Conduct.
6. NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING IN WHITEHOUSE – Pc Zoe Randolph and PCSO’s Paul Allan and Megan Shaw will be attending the meeting to provide an overview of neighbourhood policing in Whitehouse.
7. PUBLIC ART PROJECT IN WHITEHOUSE – DPQ has been commissioned to complete the Public Art Project in Whitehouse and Fairfields and Cris Lamarque will be joining the meeting virtually to provide an update on the project.2023-07-20_ITEM07_PUBLIC ART PROJECT PLAN (2021)
8. NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) will be attending the meeting to give an update on the progress of community amenity provision in the Whitehouse area. This is an opportunity to discuss the new Community Meeting Place, the new Allotment Site and the Temporary Shop.
9. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE – To discuss maintenance issues in the area and to provide any updates. A representative from L&Q Estates has been invited to the meeting.
13. PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL GAZEBOS FOR THE COUNCIL’S EVENTS – The Council to consider the purchase of one 3x3m gazebo and a larger gazebo to be used at the Council’s events.
14. REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES – The Council to appoint representatives to the following bodies: MKALC (MK Association of Local Councils) and East West Rail Local Stakeholders Group
15. FINANCE 2023/2024 – Authorisation of Payments and Council Budget Report 2023/2024 (To Follow)
18. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council is invited to comment on the following planning applications, which can be found on Milton Keynes City Council’s planning portal.
19. LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – The Council is invited to comment on a Borough-wide street licence renewal application from Eat Gelato for 1 ice cream van (Reg R99 FLK) to trade Monday to Sunday, 16:00 to 19:00.
20. CHANGE OF DATE TO SCHEDULED MEETING – Watling Academy Library is not available for hire on the Council’s scheduled meeting date of 19 October 2023. The Council to consider an alternative date or venue.