
Agenda – 19 DECEMBER 2024

Agendas Uploaded on December 17, 2024

Members of the Public can join the meeting by Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 336 028 307 052                               Passcode: hzs3jP

Recording and Filming – This meeting will be filmed and recorded and may be published on the Council’s website.  The gallery area will not be filmed, but any comments by the public will be audio recorded.


  1. WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.
  2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence, submitted to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
  4. MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 24 October 2024. 2024-10-24_DRAFT MINUTES
  5. NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) has been invited to the meeting to provide an update report on the allotment site.
  6. EVENTS 2024/2025 – Members of the Event Working Groups to comment on future and past events for 2024/2025.
  7. COUNCIL BUDGET 2024/2025  To authorise payments made since the last meeting and payments to be made. (Report to Follow).  The Council to review and agree the current status of the 2024/2025 budget. 2024-12-19_ITEM07B_SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS 2024-12-19_ITEM07B_SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS – COST CENTRES ONLY2024-12-19_ITEM07B_RECIEPTS AND PAYMENTS FORECAST 
  8. PRECEPT 2025/2026 – TAX BASE – To receive details of the Council’s tax base, that will assist the Council in setting the Council’s precept for 2025/2026.  2024-12-19_ITEM08_PROVISIONAL TAX BASE2024-12-19_ITEM08_PROVISIONAL TAX BASE_ANNEX.docx
  9. DRAFT COUNCIL BUDGET 2025/2026 – To consider an initial draft of the 2025/2026 Council Budget to assist in the setting of the 2025/2026 budget and setting the Council’s precept at its next meeting in January 2025. 2024-12-19_ITEM09_2025-2026 DRAFT BUDGET  The Council to give particular consideration to Potential Capital and Revenue expenditure for the Hive; Funding towards Youth Provision for a minimum of 2 years (subject to a successful grant to cover the cost of the first year of funding (earmarked reserves): Specific activities in 2024/2025 where early booking of activities or high demand services are required (MK Play Association Summer Play Sessions and Firework Services if a Diwali event is to go ahead in 2025/2026.
  10. MILTON KEYNES CITY COUNCIL CONSULTATION – BOUNDARY COMMISSION REVIEW – The proposal to place a Ward boundary in the middle of Whitehouse will be of particular significance and the Council may wish to formulate a response.  Deadline for comment is at the end of January 2025. 2024-12-19_ITEM10_BOUNDARY COMMISSION CONSULTATION 2024-12-19_ITEM10_BOUNDARY COMMISSION CONSULTATION_ANNEX
  11. MILTON KEYNES CITY COUNCIL CONSULTATION – TOGETHER WE CAN – The Council to comment on a review of the ‘Together We Can’ document which sets out the working relationship between the principal authority (MKCC) and Town and Parish Councils.  Deadline for comment is 24 January 2025.2024-12-19_ITEM11_TOGETHER WE CAN
  12. GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ON REMOTE MEETINGS AND PROXY VOTING FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT – The Council to consider submitting a response to the Government’s consultation on the potential for remote meeting and proxy voting for local councils.  Deadline for comment is 19 December 2024. 2024-12-19_ITEM12_CONSULTATION – REMOTE MEETINGS AND PROXY VOTING
  13. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council is invited to comment on the following  planning applications:

Planning Application 24/01943/HOU – 7 Hariana Close, Whitehouse, Milton Keynes, MK8 1DG – Change of Use – Enclosure of side garden by 2m wooden fence panels on title number BM460737 and BM431221 to be used as a domestic garden to include lawn and flower borders. Deadline for comment: 31 December 2024.

Planning Application PLN/2024/2267 – Whitehouse Health Centre, Dorset Way, MK8 1EQ – Relocation of existing MRI scanner unit from MK University Hospital to Whitehouse Health Centre with associated portacabin units providing ultrasound scan and ancillary reception, waiting and changing spaces, kitchenette, toilet and clinical procedures area, parking, landscaping and associated works.

Planning Application PLN/2024/2406 – Watling Academy, Barrosa Way, MK8 1EP – Erection of a 1 x single storey and 1 x 2 storey modular teaching blocks to create a sixth form block and classroom spaces with associated cycle parking provision, hard standing and associated works.

Planning Application PLN/2024/2393 – 4 Shorthorn Drive, MK8 1AL – Partial enclosure of car port for additional floorspace.