PUBLIC FORUM: A maximum of 30 minutes is allocated for members of the public to speak on any community matter. Questions to be posed to the Council should be submitted to the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.
Email: Tel: 07743 916196
Members of the Public can join the meeting by Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 365 871 669 813 Passcode: 4sAXXg
Recording and Filming – This meeting will be filmed and recorded and may be published on the Council’s website. The gallery area will not be filmed, but any comments by the public will be audio recorded.
- WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence, submitted to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
- MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 27 June 2024.
- CLERK’S REPORT – The Clerk to provide information on the outcome of decisions and actions taken since the last meeting. 2024-07-18_ITEM05_CLERKS REPORT
- NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – To received updates on the new community facilities. Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) has been invited to the meeting to update the Council on activities carried out by Milton Keynes City Council in respect of new facilities.
- Allotment Site – To receive a progress report on the opening of the Allotment Site.
- Community Meeting Place – To receive a progress report on the opening of the Community Meeting.
- Temporary Shop – To receive a progress report on the opening of the temporary shop (Dorset Way).
- 7. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE – To discuss and highlight any maintenance issues in the area.
- 8. DECISIONS MADE UNDER THE COUNCIL’S ADOPTED SCHEME OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY – To accept the decisions made under the Council’s adopted scheme of delegated authority, made between this and the previous meeting. 2024-07-18_ITEM08_DECISIONS MADE UNDER SODA
- 9. WHITEHOUSE COMMUNITY MEETING PLACE – TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FROM MILTON KEYNES CITY COUNCIL TO WHITEHOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILTo receive the report on the agreed Heads of Terms relating to the transfer of the freehold of the Whitehouse Community Meeting Place (The Hive) to Whitehouse Community Council. If received in time for the meeting, the Council to agree and sign the following formal transfer documentation: Land Registry Document, Transfer of Freehold Document, Deed of Pre-Emption, Overage Deed, If the formal transfer documentation is not received in time for the meeting, but documentation is completed before the handover of the building on 23 July 2024, then agreement of the documentation be delegated to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council. If the transfer documentation is not complete prior to handover of the building on 23 July 2024, the Council agrees to enter into a ‘Tenancy At Will’ that would allow the Council occupancy of the building in the short-term, pending a formal transfer of the freehold. 2024-07-18_ITEM09_TRANSFER OF CMP
- INSURANCE COVER – The Council to consider insurance quotes to cover at least £12m Public Liability, £10m Employer’s Liability and £500k Fidelity Guarantee. 2024-07-18_ITEM10_INSURANCE
- CHAIR’S NOMINATED CHARITY 2024/2025 – The Chair to consider nominating a charity to support for 2024/2025.
- EVENTS 2024/2025 – The Council to receive an update on the Council’s events for 2024/2025:
- Summer Family Fun Day – 14 September 2024
- Diwali Celebration – 26 October 2024
- Christmas Fayre – 15 December 2024
- Chinese New Year – February 2025
- COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2025/2026 – The Council discuss potential public realm projects that may receive match funding through an application to the Community Infrastructure Fund for 2025/2026. The Council would be required to commit at least 50% funding of the project in its 2025/2026 budget.
- AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – To authorise payments made and to be made.
- MK PUBLIC SPACE PROTECTION ORDER (ALCOHOL) (Order No. 3) – PUBLIC CONSULTATION – The Council is invited to comment on the renewal and variation of the Alcohol Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). 2024-07-18_ITEM15_PUBLIC CONSULTATION – PSPO (ALCOHOL) The aim of the Order is not to ban drinking in public spaces but is in place to tackle anti-social behaviour connected with drinking alcohol. The consultation relates to the proposal to extend the existing PSPO (Alcohol) for a further 3 years and to include the parish of Great Linford. The deadline for comment is Friday 16 August 2024.
- PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council to consider making comment to Milton Keynes City Council on the following planning applications:
- Planning Application 24/01363/HOU – 4 Shorthorn Drive, MK8 1AL – Erection of a single storey rear extension.
- Planning Application 24/0363/DISCON – Parcels M, N and O, WEA, Area 10-1 Phase 2, Watling Street H3 to H4 – Approval of details required by condition 5 (Lighting) of permission reference: 21/01436/REM.
- LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – BOROUGH-WIDE STREET TRADING CONSENT – The Council is invited to comment on the application below:
Applicant: MK Ices
Application Type: Renewal
Details: 1 Ice Cream Van (Reg: R99 FLK)
Trading Times: Monday to Sunday 16:00 to 19:00
- DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To agree a change to the scheduled date of the next meeting. The meeting was scheduled to take place on Thursday 15 August and the proposal is to change the meeting to Thursday 22 August 2024, to be held at The Hive.