A maximum of 30 minutes will be allocated for members of the public to speak on any community matter. Any member of the public wishing to ask a question should submit their question to the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.
Email: Clerk@whitehouse-cc.gov.uk.
Tel: 07743 916196
Members of the Public can join the meeting via Teams:
Meeting ID: 311 206 493 309
Passcode: m7nJmC
This meeting will be recorded and may be published on the Council’s website.
1.WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.
2.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence that have been submitted to the Clerk, prior to the start of the meeting.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
- MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 16 November 2023. 2023-11-16_DRAFT MINUTES
- NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – To discuss the progress of community facilities in the area. Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) has been invited to the meeting to provide an update on:
- Allotment Site – to receive an update on the progress of the new site and to agree the date plot holders may access their plots.
- Community meeting Place – to receive a progress report and consider next steps.
- Temporary Shop – to receive an update on the progress of the planning application and next steps.
- MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE –To discuss maintenance issues in the area and to provide any updates.
- DECISIONS MADE UNDER THE COUNCIL’S ADOPTED SCHEME OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY –To accept the decisions made between this and the previous meeting.
- LOCATION OF NEW DOG BIN – To agree a new location for the purchased Dog Waste Bin.
- INSTALLATION OF TALLER POLES FOR SPEED INDICATION DEVICES TO ACCOMMODATE SOLAR PANELS – To consider purchasing taller poles for Speed Indicator Devices to accommodate solar panels to negate the need for monthly re-charging and fitting of batteries. The cost will be £2,500 to purchase, fit and if necessary, cover traffic management costs (installation of temporary traffic lights).
- FINANCE 2023/2024
- Authorisation of Payments
- Council Budget Report 2023/2024.16. COUNCIL BUDGET 2024/2025 – To discuss the recommendations of the Budget Working Group and approve a 2024/2025 Council budget that will inform the precept level which is to be set in January 2024.
17. – PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council is asked to consider making comment to Milton Keynes City Council on the planning applications below:
- Application 23/02422/FUL – Site at Brahaman Way – Erection of a Temporary Retail Unit for a period of 3 years.
- Application 23/02575/DISCON – Parcels S, T and U, WEA
- Application 23/02605/NMA – Parcel W, Land off Watling Street, WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1 – 10.3)
- Application 23/2693/DISCON – Parcel E, Land off Watling Street, WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1 – 10.3)
- Application 23/2692/DISCON – Parcel C and D WEA, Area 10.1 – 10.3 Watling Street H3 to H4
- Application 23/02743/DISCON – WEA Area 10.1 – 10.3 WEA, Watling Street H3 to H4
- Application 23/02754/HOU – 2 Whitebred Chase, MK8 1AX – Erection of a two-storey side and single extension with associated internal and external works.