
Agenda – 14 December 2023

Agendas Uploaded on December 11, 2023

A maximum of 30 minutes will be allocated for members of the public to speak on any community matter.   Any member of the public wishing to ask a question should submit their question to the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.


Tel: 07743 916196

Members of the Public can join the meeting via Teams:

Meeting ID: 311 206 493 309

Passcode: m7nJmC

 This meeting will be recorded and may be published on the Council’s website.


1.WELCOME – The Chair to welcome all to the meeting and introduce Councillors present.

2.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – To accept apologies for absence that have been submitted to the Clerk, prior to the start of the meeting.

  1. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in respect of any items on the agenda.
  2. MINUTES – To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the minutes of an Ordinary meeting of the Council, held on 16 November 2023.  2023-11-16_DRAFT MINUTES
  3. NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES – To discuss the progress of community facilities in the area.  Paul Van Geete (Milton Keynes City Council) has been invited to the meeting to provide an update on:
  • Allotment Site – to receive an update on the progress of the new site and to agree the date plot holders may access their plots.
  • Community meeting Place – to receive a progress report and consider next steps.
  • Temporary Shop – to receive an update on the progress of the planning application and next steps.
  1. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AMENITY LAND AND OPEN SPACE –To discuss maintenance issues in the area and to provide any updates.
  2. DECISIONS MADE UNDER THE COUNCIL’S ADOPTED SCHEME OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY –To accept the decisions made between this and the previous meeting.
  4. LOCATION OF NEW DOG BIN – To agree a new location for the purchased Dog Waste Bin.
  5. INSTALLATION OF TALLER POLES FOR SPEED INDICATION DEVICES TO ACCOMMODATE SOLAR PANELS – To consider purchasing taller poles for Speed Indicator Devices to accommodate solar panels to negate the need for monthly re-charging and fitting of batteries.  The cost will be £2,500 to purchase, fit and if necessary, cover traffic management costs (installation of temporary traffic lights).
  6. FINANCE 2023/2024
    1. Authorisation of Payments
    2. Council Budget Report 2023/2024.16.  COUNCIL BUDGET 2024/2025 – To discuss the recommendations of the Budget Working Group and approve a 2024/2025 Council budget that will inform the precept level which is to be set in January 2024.

      17. – PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Council is asked to consider making comment to Milton Keynes City Council on the planning applications below:

  • Application 23/02422/FUL – Site at Brahaman Way – Erection of a Temporary Retail Unit for a period of 3 years.
  • Application 23/02575/DISCON – Parcels S, T and U, WEA
  • Application 23/02605/NMA – Parcel W, Land off Watling Street, WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1 – 10.3)
  • Application 23/2693/DISCON – Parcel E, Land off Watling Street, WEA (‘Fairfield’ – Areas 10.1 – 10.3)
  • Application 23/2692/DISCON – Parcel C and D WEA, Area 10.1 – 10.3 Watling Street H3 to H4
  • Application 23/02743/DISCON – WEA Area 10.1 – 10.3 WEA, Watling Street H3 to H4
  • Application 23/02754/HOU – 2 Whitebred Chase, MK8 1AX – Erection of a two-storey side and single extension with associated internal and external works.